Wednesday, April 28, 2010


To move the axis of a CNC Mill machines, we need a command code known as G CODE.

There are three basic movements of the G Code

1. G00 = Rapid positioning

Tool move linear into programmed position of the work piece with rapid transverse rate (maximal speed).
Movement positioning has 2 methods depend on machine maker.
  • use linier interpolation, many axis move together.
  • non linier interpolation, axis moving one by one.

2. G01 = Linear move

Tool move linear into programmed point position with selected feed rate in Fxxx

3. G02 /G03 = Circular Interpolation

Tool move along a circular arc to the programmed position with feed rate specified in Fxxx.
G02 = making arc with clock wise direction (CW)
G03 = making arc with counter clock wise direction (CCW)

Combination of the three basic movement shape all the contours on CNC Mill machines.
For a simple contour we can write the G CODE manually.
But for a complex contour, we need software that can produce the G Code. They are called CAM software.

This simulation shows the G CODE and movements that occur.

There are lot of CAM Software for example MasterCAM, UniGraphic, Catia, CAM Tool, Cimatron, HyperMill, Delcam PowerMill etc.

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